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Team Dressage



Tests are Intro A, P1, P7 N34

Individuals and teams of 3 or 4 can enter

As per Nags n Rags, Dressing up not required, just safety gear and BD legal tack. 

Payment via paypal. You can also email your entry directly to

Team Dressage is NEW for 2019


Teams will consist of 3 or 4 riders - not got enough of you together to meet the 3 or 4? No problem, either keep an eye on our facebook page, where we'll be taking names of those who are also looking for team members, or email with your name, horses name, and level of test you wish to ride at and we'll try and match you all up! If you just want to brush up on your dressage test skills, individual test entry is also available. 



Sunday 19th May 

Sunday 25th August


Entries will close TUESDAY prior to the event, late entries will be accepted only if space allows

TIMES will be available on the website from the THURSDAY before the event. If you have any requests regarding times ie early/late, please state these at entry and we will do our best to accommodate them. 



£5 per team member per test. 

£8 per individual test. 


Tests will run from Intro to Novice level, to be listed before each event.


Tack including bits must be BD Legal.

Teams of 3 or 4.

Riders may compete in more than one team, but may not use the same test score for more than one team. (ie if you are riding intro A for 2 teams, you must ride the test twice, and declare before entering the arena, which team you are riding for on each test) 


Each combination in the team may complete a maximum of 2 tests for consideration to the teams score (selected tests must be declared on entry). A further test can be entered on an individual basis.  The highest scoring of the two selected tests will be counted towards Section A team placing. Tests can be ridden at either of the 3 levels available, but we ask that you enter in the spirit of the competition - if your horse if capable of a decent/half-decent Novice test, please don't enter the intro just because you can! 


Combinations scoring above 70% will gain a 5 point bonus for their team.


Combinations entering Novice tests may not enter an Intro test.


Team points will be accrued in the following ways:


Section A:

The highest scoring test from each team member will be taken, and an overall average score created for the team, placing the team from 1st – 6th with points from 6- 1


Section B:

Placing from each class from 1st – 6th, based on overall test percentage.



© 2019 Homestead Livery Yard Riding Club

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