Homestead Riding Club
Homestead Riding Club Shows
May 5th
9th June
14th July
11th August
8th September
6th October

Our Shows offer classes for all: Inhand, Ridden, Working Hunter (M&M and Plaited) plus members classes, show jumping and gymkhana. We are open to all, members and non members.
We offer an encouraging and friendly enviroment, and welcome everyone, young and old, from those experiencing their first every show, whether that's jockey, horse or both, to seasoned members, who we look forward to welcoming back year on year.
This year we are able to offer The Showing Register Qualifiers to our Inhand, WH and RIdden Competitors, plus chance to represent the club at STARS finals in October for our Ridden and WH competitors who are members of Homestead RC in 2019.
The Show Day Schedule (not including SJ Classes) is available to download below.
Showjumping classes are listed seperately.
Please click the RED ICONS in order to DOWNLOAD the schedule. You will need a PDF reader (ie adobe acrobat)
Show Schedule 2019: Show & Working Hunter Classes:
Show Schedule 2019:
Front Cover, Gymkhana, Dog Show & Rules of Show

Due to popular demand - Showjumping will be run on show days - so please do support this. Classes that are not supported will be removed as the season commences....
Classes will run as a single phase this year, and will start at 9.30am PROMPT
Class SJ1) 45cm
Class SJ2) 55cm
Class SJ3) 65cm
Class SJ4) 75cm
Class SJ5) 85cm
Class SJ6)90 - 95cm
Class SJ7) Horse and Hound
Classes will follow on, prize giving will occur immediatly after the class has completed. Points will be accured for an OVERALL SJ SHOW DAY CHAMPION